Well don’t just sit there, people!

The more observant among you may have noticed that this is a brand new dawn. No, not the political shenanigans, I’m talking about this blog.

Following creative negotiations, a Skype call that was so pun-filled that the transcript has been impounded and a meeting of minds, Mr Thorn Sully and I have embarked on a collaborative endeavour to link up British and American writers. We promise you a platform for free speech, flippancy, bonhomie and opinion. What’s not to like?

You can find the link to the right hand side of the blog page.

The first item for discussion concerns the ‘special relationship’ between Great Britain and America, what we share and where we differ. Don’t just sit there, sit there and click on the link. Thorn and I want to know what you think, especially the feedback that British accents are sexy and that we’re to blame for the 1812 war (which I dispute).

If you can’t find the link on the front page, here it is again:



  1. Brian Keaney says:

    When a British children's book is sold to a US publisher it is re-edited to change vocabulary e.g. sneakers for trainers, sweater for jumper, faucet for tap etc. However, when an American children's book is sold to a UK publisher it is published exactly as written.

  2. Derek says:

    Perhaps they see the UK as more multicultural? I remember seeing the title of the first Harry Potter book being changed for the US market. Maybe publishers have a small opinion of the US readership…

  3. Brian Keaney says:

    Well that's one way of looking at it. Another is to say that it's a consequence of political reality. The US is the the largest market. Therefore we change our books for their benefit, but they don't need to bother returning the compliment.

  4. Derek says:

    I hadn't thought about it that way, Brian. But yes, it's a buyer's market in terms of take-up and a seller's market in terms of presentation and distribution.

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